How to Avoid Copyright Strikes on YouTube (Explained)

How to Avoid Copyright Strikes on YouTube (Explained)

Getting a copyright strike on YouTube can be frustrating and damaging to your channel. However, there are steps you can take to minimize the chances of receiving a strike. This comprehensive guide will provide content creators with tips, best practices, and resources to help avoid copyright issues on YouTube.

With over 2 billion monthly users, YouTube has become one of the main places people go to watch videos online. As a content creator, you want to leverage this massive audience to grow your channel. However, you also want to ensure your channel and videos remain available and not taken down due to copyright claims.

Receiving a copyright strike can negatively impact your channel in several ways:

  • Your videos can get blocked or muted
  • You may lose monetization privileges
  • After 3 strikes your channel can get terminated

Therefore, it’s crucial to have a good understanding of copyright law and know how to avoid accidental infringement in your videos.

This guide will outline YouTube’s copyright policies, common copyright mistakes, and tips content creators can implement to steer clear of strikes. Whether you’re a beginner or experienced YouTuber, utilizing these best practices can help minimize channel interruptions and let you continue reaching viewers through the platform.

YouTube’s Copyright System

YouTube has strict copyright policies in place to respect intellectual property rights and comply with the law. Their system is designed to detect potential copyright infringement and handle reported violations.

When you upload a video, YouTube scans it to check if it matches any copyrighted content in their database. If a match is found, the claimant can choose to mute, block, monetize, or track statistics for your video.

Rights holders also have the option to manually search YouTube and issue takedown requests against videos they believe use their content without authorization. A copyright owner can report infringing videos directly to YouTube through its reporting tool.

If YouTube determines your video violates someone’s copyright after reviewing a claim, here’s what happens:


  • The first time, you’ll receive a copyright strike
  • After 3 strikes, YouTube will terminate your channel
  • Strikes expire after 90 days

Restricted Features

  • Uploading and live streaming gets disabled
  • Loss of monetization through the YouTube Partner Program

Managing copyright properly is crucial for avoiding these penalties. The rest of this guide will cover proactive steps you can take.

Common Copyright Infringement Issues

It helps to understand where people commonly run into copyright disputes on YouTube. In many cases, creators aren’t intentionally stealing content, but simply don’t realize certain uses can count as infringement. Here are 5 examples of copyright violations YouTubers often commit unintentionally:

1. Using Clips From Movies or TV Shows

Movies, TV shows, documentaries, and other visual media are protected by copyright. Even short clips aren’t necessarily “fair use” and require permission from the production company.

2. Playing Music Without Licensing

Artists and labels hold copyrights over their song recordings and compositions. You’ll get copyright claims if you use their music without proper licensing.

3. Copying Choreographed Dances

Dance moves and routines can be copyrighted, which surprises many creators. Recreating popular TikTok or Fortnite dances often leads to takedown notices.

4. Reposting Videos From Other Channels

Downloading and reuploading someone else’s YouTube video always requires their explicit permission. The original creator owns the copyright.

5. Using Photos Without Attribution

Images found through Google or stock photo sites have copyright protections. Failing to credit the photographer or service provider can result in a claim.

Avoiding these common missteps comes down to understanding copyright scope, respecting others’ creations, and seeking usage rights.

Best Practices to Avoid Copyright Issues

Luckily, there are straightforward ways for YouTubers to stay clear of copyright pitfalls. By intentionally implementing copyright best practices into your workflow, you can protect your channel’s standing.

Here are 5 key tips:

1. Only Use Content You Have Permission or Rights To

The easiest way to avoid disputes is by only using content you created or have explicit rights to feature. Seek written licensing agreements from copyright holders before incorporating their works into videos.

YouTube provides ways to legally feature copyrighted material through mechanisms like content ID claims and paid licensing through its music policies.

2. Dispute Invalid Copyright Claims

With YouTube’s automated copyright detection, sometimes matches get made incorrectly. If you receive a claim on original content you created or content you have authorization to use, dispute the claim providing proof of permission.

3. Provide Attribution

Giving proper attribution to creators and copyright owners helps avoid claims and strikes. Clearly credit any third-party content used through watermarks, captions, descriptions or verbal explanations.

4. Understand Fair Use

In some cases, copyright law permits unlicensed use under fair use exemptions for commentary, criticism, news reporting or education. Understand which circumstances allow for fair use and be prepared to provide legal justification if a claim arises.

5. Consult Legal Counsel When Needed

Copyright law contains nuances that can create confusion. If you have questions or receive a claim on content you believe to qualify as fair use, seeking advice from an intellectual property lawyer can provide helpful guidance. They can review details and strengthen your fair use defense if needed.

What to Do If You Receive a Copyright Strike

If you follow these best practices diligently, you hopefully won’t run into copyright strikes as a YouTuber. However, sometimes claims still happen even when creators are careful and acting in good faith.

If you do receive a copyright strike on your channel, here are 5 important things to do:

1. Remove or Make Private Any Infringing Videos

The first step is to take down the content that relates to the strike by deleting it or making the video private. This will prevent the claimant from being able to issue further takedown notices against the same content.

2. Review the Strike Details Carefully

Make sure to read through the strike notification thoroughly. Confirm which video was flagged, who initiated the claim, what copyright was allegedly infringed, and reasons provided. These details are critical for contesting the strike if you feel it was made in error.

3. Consider Disputing the Strike

If you have strong evidence the claim was incorrect and believe you had rights to use the content, submit a formal counter-notification to YouTube disputing it. Provide copies of any permission documentation and clearly explain how your video didn’t infringe rights.

4. Consult an Attorney

Getting advice from a lawyer experienced in copyright can help assess whether your dispute is likely to succeed. They may also directly handle communicating with YouTube or the claimant on your behalf.

5. Adjust Practices to Prevent More Strikes

Regardless of disputing the strike, reassess your content workflows. Audit previous videos and be more cautious when using third-party content moving forward. Continuing to receive multiple strikes will jeopardize your channel.


Still have questions about avoiding copyright issues on YouTube? Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

Does fair use allow me to use short news clips without permission?

Fair use law does provide exceptions for commentary and news reporting. However, the clips can only be used to the extent necessary and shouldn’t make up the majority of your video content. Avoid reposting clips in their entirety.

Can I use YouTube audio library music without getting copyright strikes?

Yes, YouTube provides an audio library containing songs and sound effects you can freely use without copyright concerns. Just make sure to avoid music flagged as “not eligible” for monetization, as these require attribution.

What if I edit a movie clip, can I then use it without permission?

Unfortunately, modifying a copyrighted clip doesn’t suddenly make it permissible to use without authorization from the rights holder. Changing aspect ratios, adding effects, splicing together clips, or altering playback speed still counts as infringement if done without licensing approval.

How much of a song can I use without needing to license it?

There aren’t straightforward time limits to how much of a song you can feature before requiring a license – even a few recognizable seconds could lead to claims. In general, minimize use as much as possible and don’t play lengthy portions of tracks unless you have permission.

Can I dispute a Content ID claim if I don’t have a strike?

Yes, even if you only receive a Content ID claim and not a full copyright strike, you can still dispute the claim if you believe your video falls under fair use protections. Just be prepared to provide legal justification upon challenging.

What happens if I receive 3 copyright strikes?

Receiving 3 copyright strikes within 90 days will lead YouTube to terminate your entire channel, removing all videos and subscriptions. This is why properly managing copyright is so crucial, to avoid losing your audience and uploaded content.


Avoiding copyright issues on YouTube boils down to respecting intellectual property, minimizing unlicensed use of copyrighted materials, and seeking permissions whenever possible.

Implement these proactive tips into your video creation process:

  • Use only original content or properly licensed works
  • Dispute inaccurate copyright claims
  • Provide attribution for featured creations
  • Understand and invoke fair use appropriately
  • Get legal advice when needed

Staying aware of YouTube’s copyright policies, avoiding common mistakes, and putting safeguards in place can help you sustainably grow your channel without fear of takedowns or strikes.With the right systems in place, you can feel confident sharing content without accidentally infringing on copyright protections. Here’s to creating videos that engage audiences without legal interruptions!

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